Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday Morning Observations

Couldn't sleep Saturday morning.  Of all the days I'd like to sleep in, no obligation Saturday is the one.

So, That got me thinking. Haven't read a local newspaper in years so thought I 'd kill time doing that.  So, I hustled off to the local up the local convenience store and  whoa, it was now 50 cents PLUS tax. Plus tax?  (I remember when it was 10 cents and NO tax..did they slip another tax in on us?)   I thought they only tax things that were important!

There was the usual front page musings, ie Trump this, Trump that, upcoming elections and ADVERTISING.  Yep, there is now advertising on Page 1.  I really thought it was too expensive to advertise on Page 1?

The next few pages were devoted to stories about mishaps, injuries, shootings and death.  Of the remaining pages in the first section, the most prominent  "story" was ADVERTISING!  Yep, full page ads, too.  Everything from cars, furniture, education and medical remedies.  Where's the news? 

What is news, anyway?  Is it something we don't know?  Is it something we need to know?  Or is something we need to buy?  Is it fake or real? After reading the first 20 pages of the Saturday morning newspaper, I  know where to buy my next car (although I don't need one) , which hearing aid is best for me ( I hear perfectly)  where to get my next education degree (I can buy those online, can't I?),  where to get a new mattress (I sleep on the couch!), how to get rid of burning, tingling or numb feet (wear larger shoes!) , and oh, three different ads on why I should buy this newspaper!

I don't know why I should pay for a newspaper, after all, don't the advertisers pay for it? Does my 50 cents (plus tax) really help offset the paper costs, printing, or color pictures?

I've decided to abandon my paper reading and just leave the rest of the paper for someone else to read.  I'm gonna do something more invigorating, healthy, inspiring, time consuming and something that might SAVE me money..... garage sailing!

Yes, this is for me.  Stopped on the way home from buying the newspaper and followed the signs to the first garage sale I've been to in years. And did I get a DEAL...The guy offered me a FREE Saturday morning newspaper!  

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Win it?

While out driving the other day, I saw a rather disturbing billboard along side of the freeway.  It read, "Earn Money the Old Fashioned Way. Win it."

Of course, the billboard message was sponsored by a local casino and featured people in the background jumping for joy.

With unemployment at about 13% in our region and depressed housing, I find it rather interesting that going to a casino could be construed as going to a place where you can earn money.

I always thought that "earning" meant you basically "worked" for money. I know that you can earn money on savings, investments and bonds, but I was taught that working was the "old fashioned" way of making money.

While it is a nice play on words, and a rather smart marketing marvel, it still bothers me.

I immediately drove home and announced to my wife, "See you later,  I'm gonna go make some money, honey... I'll be back in about three hours."

She yells out to me just as I'm getting into my car loaded with cash and adrendline, "And how are you gonna to do that?"

"Oh, by spending about $500!"

$50 light bulb?

I'm just seeing media reports of the new LED light bulb that you can rush down to your local hardware store and purchase for $50.


They call this the "new, affordable light bulb."  What can it do?  Well, it only uses 10 watts of power and is equal to the brightness of a 60 watt bulb.  They say it can last up to 30 years!  In three years, if you use it for 8 hours a day, 365 days a year, you will start saving money!

The report points out that you can still buy incandescent bulbs for about 50 cents each and that means you can get about a HUNDRED of them instead of paying the $50 for ONE bulb!

Well, people, are we being duped or what? 

I kinda like changing light bulbs, myself.  There's nothing like adding "new" light to a lamp that has just burned out. Besides, what's a few watts between us?  I mean, I've been told you can burn that 60 watt bulb for weeks and weeks and you only use 2-3 cents of electricity.

And what will happen to all those lightbulb jokes?  Remember this one... "How many Union Electricians does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Sixteen - One to give the bulb to the screw-inner. One to screw in the bulb. One to hold him on the step ladder. Four to hold the step ladder steady. One to flick the switch to test the bulb. One to make sure that the other bulbs in the room will need fixing. One to supervise. Two to take a coffee break, one to eat lunch, and one to nap and one to plot the best way of breaking into the apartment at night.
 The thing that bothers me the most is that during the next major earthquake, when my ceiling falls down on my lamp, and the bulb BREAKS,  I've gotta come up with another $50 to REPLACE IT.  Or my cat or dog knocks over the lamp and the bulb shatters in pieces.  Gosh, at that price, I'd be there for hours trying to glue that bulb back together!

And now when I sell my house, I have to count the light bulbs and adjust the sales price accordingly?

No, $50 light bulbs are not in my immediate future...unless the government MANDATES them or makes it ILLEGAL to use the other cheaper bulbs. I then will expect tax deductions or incentives!

Oh, wait a minute...flash, the light bulb in my head just went off....TRY AND REPLACE THAT ONE!