I never thought it would happen in my lifetime. But they now have the technology to produce automobiles with 3D printing. What is 3D printing, you ask?
Simply, it's making copies or creating objects with a 3D printer. Much like when you make a copy of a page on your home printer. But, you produce a usable physical item instead. Initially, this technology was intended to be used in the Space program where instead of flying a broken part up to a space station, you simple "fax" one there!
So far, these 3D printer produced automobiles are not your usual cars, as they are a toned down version with fewer workable parts. But nonetheless, these are cars that you can actually drive.
That got me thinking.
If this catches on, no more assembly lines, no more bailing out automakers, no more GM, no more unions and best of all, NO MORE GOING TO THE AUTO DEALERSHIP AND DEALING WITH THE CAR SALESMAN!
Instead, you would march off to a 3D printer, make a few adjustments, choose your specifications and viola, out comes your car! (I am told that in a few years, you will only have to wait hours for your "printed" car, but in 10 years, it could only take 6 minutes!)
And just think what is going to happen to the auto parts industry? Your typical auto parts store will simply be a walk-in copy center. No more ordering part number Az 123456 for a 6 cylinder Toyota Camry.
I really think this technology should be applied to other more practical things.....like food, water and dare I say...money!
Just think, you're running low on cash, so you head off to your nearest 3D printer and order a million dollars or so.
I am absolutely baffled by this technology...has anyone thought this through? The person owning a couple of 3D printers really owns the world!
I wonder who will regulate this technology? The 3D police?
Better yet, the owner of a 3D printer will never have to buy a lottery ticket again...he already owns the jackpot!
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