Saturday, January 14, 2017

$13.88 Oil Change

So, I'm driving down to Home Depot to pick up some needs when I see this bright red banner drooped over the wall of a auto repair business that reads:  $13.88 Oil Change and Lube!  My gosh, that is at least $10 cheaper than I usually pay.  So, I bite and stop in for the details.  As I approach the business,  I read below the banner in small letters the caveat:  Most cars!

Well, I I have a Minvan. And one would think I have what is considered "most cars" in California because as I drive around these days all I see are SUV's, Minivans and small pick-up trucks.  Well, with further questioning, I find that the $13.88 price only applies to "small cars" like the Ford Focus, Nissan Sentra and Toyota Camry.  For MY car, I'm told it's gonna cost $27.95 (PLUS disposal of the old oil), which is more than I usually pay.

This got me thinking. How many cars these days need a Lube job?  I'm told the frame is sealed and there is no place to lube. Yet, most oil places advertise giving you a lube with the oil change. In fact, they usually don't check the brake fluid levels "for liability purposes!"

This prompts other important questions I have: How often should you change the oil in your car?  Do you consider the time since your last oil change or miles driven?  Does it matter how old the car is?  Does it lmatter if you drive freeway miles or around town miles?  Does it really matter what oil you use, synthetic or regular?

Decisions, decisions. And try asking various mechanics what is best...they all have different opinions.

I think oil in the car should be good for how ever long you own your car. I mean with the technology we have today, why not? 

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