Friday, December 14, 2018


I am now at a stage in life where I would like to turn my life and expertise into a passive income producing skill.  

Much like the concept of Pay It Forward, I plan to pass out crisp $1 bills in white envelops randomly to people I meet.  On the bill will be my web address. The website will explain in detail why the person received the $1 bill.

In essence, the receiver of the bill will be asked to likewise “spread the wealth” and give that bill randomly to anyone else they meet.

The website will detail all the things you can purchase for $1 these days.

Things on internet for ONE DOLLAR: ebooks, steaks, itunes, penny stocks,

Much like what the “Where’s George” website does, my website will host a blog where people can post where they received the $1 bill, city/state, and what unique thing they did with it, if anything.

How money will be generated will be explained in subsequent postings.

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